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Senator Sonny Borrelli Endorses Joey Gilbert For Nevada Governor

Arizona Senator Sonny Borrelli Endorses Joey Gilbert for the 2022 Gubernatorial Campaign for Nevada. Reno, Nev. – Nov 18, 2021 – Arizona Senator Sonny Borrelli announced his support of Joey Gilbert for Governor of Nevada today. Senator Borrelli is a retired USMC GySgt and a former small business owner. Joey Gilbert is a father, lawyer, former fighter, and entrepreneur. Joey opened his law firm in 2009, and in 2021 his law firm was named “Best Law Firm” and was named “Best Personal Injury Attorney” in Reno by the Reno Gazette-Journal. In 2012, Senator Borrelli was elected to the Arizona House of Representatives, where he served 2 terms and was the Chairman of the House of Military Affairs & Public Safety Committee and Vice-Chair of the House Judiciary Committee. Senator Borrelli has been elected to his 3rd term at the Senate and was again elected by his colleagues as Senate Majority Whip, his 2nd term for the position, where he also presides over Majority Caucus. Senator Borrelli is a member on each of the Senate Committees on Government, Commerce, Judiciary and a member of the Senate Rules Committee. “I recognize, and I understand, and I know what true leaders are; Joey Gilbert is that man to be the next Governor of Nevada,” said Sonny Borrelli, AZ Senator. “Joey Gilbert is that leader that actually gets people moving, and I have full faith and confidence in his ability and his integrity.” Joey Gilbert has been fighting unconstitutional mandates and government overreach for 19 months. In this time, he assisted his fellow citizens to open 8 Nevada counties without covid restrictions, watched 3 counties become Constitutional Counties, and sued the current standing Nevada Governor for access to the early treatment medication, Hydroxychloroquine. Joey also took the Governor to the ninth circuit court of appeals and won a case that opened all Nevada churches back up from unlawful covid restrictions, all before Christmas in 2020. In addition, Joey is currently in federal court fighting mask mandates on children and recently filed a lawsuit against the vaccine mandate in all Nevada institutions of higher learning. Joey is also a board member of America’s Frontline Doctors, where he serves as the Director of Strategy. “As our neighbor to the north, it is essential for Arizona to have a good partnership—a strong partnership—with a governor and a state legislature that’s actually going to support Election Integrity,” Said Sonny Borrelli, AZ Senator. “If it wasn’t for Joey Gilbert urging a lot of people to be coming from Nevada—coming to Arizona, to help us, it would have made it even more difficult to get things rolling.” For Senator Borrelli and Joey Gilbert, electoral integrity is the touchstone of the United States of America. Without it, its people can not have faith in the system at all. Joey Gilbert advocates full transparency and election integrity through having clean voter rolls, using paper ballots, and requiring voter ID. “It is a top priority that the current voting machines in Nevada are de-certified for the 2022 elections, and I have a plan to do just that,” Said Joey Gilbert, Gubernatorial candidate. “De-certifying the machines is the only action that would force the Secretary of State to use paper ballots—ensuring a more honest election.”

About Joey Gilbert: Known as “The People’s Champ”, Joey has built a prestigious career as an attorney, former world-ranked middleweight boxing champion, Nevada Golden Gloves boxing champion, three-time National Collegiate boxing champion, four-time all-American, and a US Air Force Veteran. Since March 2020, Gilbert has filed lawsuits against Nevada’s politically motivated & corrupt Governor to open churches, and won, sued to make early treatment medication accessible to all Nevadans, filed a lawsuit, and is currently in federal court in Las Vegas against the mask mandate on Nevada’s school children, and most recently filed a lawsuit, and is back in court challenging the mandatory vaccination of university students —especially those who have recovered from Covid-19. “I am not slowing down; I will remain in the fight for bodily integrity and our God-given constitutional rights”. Joey is also the Director of Strategy for Americas Frontline Doctors, where they have been involved with filing more than a dozen lawsuits across this nation on behalf of our military, healthcare workers teachers, and students with regards to the unconstitutional mandatory vaccination orders of our corrupt government. Joey has been leading a crusade for the people —FOR THEIR FREEDOM OF CHOICE & to leave personal medical decisions up to “WE THE PEOPLE” & PARENTS. For more information about Joey Gilbert and his Nevada gubernatorial campaign, visit https://www.gilbertforgovernor.com/.

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