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Funding the Police and Reducing Crime

Well-funded and highly trained police officers are essential to our personal safety and individual freedom

‍Supporting our police officers is the ONLY way to ensure low-crime rates in Nevada communities. I will ensure we have fair and tough police to protect our Law and Order.

Three of Nevada’s Four largest cities, have a national crime grade of “F.” I will not accept city leaders telling me that their criminal activity is “under control.”Police departments, with City Council oversight, exist to ENFORCE the laws, NOT interpret them. Public safety is not negotiable.


Las Vegas is our most important law enforcement situation and demands immediate attention, because Nevada cannot be successful without a safe and financially successful Las Vegas.

Las Vegas’ crime problems are many and serious, and result from Governor Sisolak using Fairy Tales instead of facts to deal with the city’s many challenges. In spite of the following facts, Sisolak and the Metro Chief of Police claim that “crime is down” in Las Vegas.


  • Las Vegas has a higher incidence of crime than 85 out of every 100 American citie
  • Las Vegas’ murder rate increased 110% in 2021
  • There’s been a 30% increase in car-jackings, with assailants frequently ranging between 14-15 years old
  • Las Vegas’ violent crime rate is over twice the national average. Las Vegas is one of the top 5 cities in the nation for reported frequency of child sex-trafficking
  • The newest wave of illegal immigrants (over 10,000) that has been allowed into the Las Vegas area has turned it into a de-facto “sanctuary” city and county

Meanwhile, Sisolak and Metro SAY they are against this illegal immigration, but do NOTHING to stop it.

I would not allow our state to be sent people who came over the border illegally, and let them cut in front of those who are trying to come here lawfully.

As Governor, I will STOP the Las Vegas crime epidemic that threatens our state’s future. I will make sure that district attorneys and judges do their part in supporting police officers – especially regarding the prosecution of misdemeanors and lesser-felonies. I will ensure that laws are enforced based on hard evidence, rather than on the judge’s’ and DA’s personal and/or political beliefs.

I would also work to REPEAL the “Bloomberg Gun Law.” It wrongfully puts law enforcement emphasis on law-abiding citizens, and ignores street criminals.

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