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Fix All Nevada Public Schools

Fixing Nevada's worst-in-the-nation public schools is among my highest priorities

Read my 8-Point Plan on Education HERE

Improving Nevada’s schools are the key to successfully addressing every other challenge facing our state.

Creating better schools requires:

An in-depth understanding of our dysfunctional school situation.

The moral courage to confront everything and everyone responsible for it.

The ONLY long-term fix for our broken schools is a universal voucher system that forces our public schools to compete for students.

This would give EVERY parent of a school-age child – including home-school parents – the State’s full-funding amount to apply toward the education option of their choice.

But unitl that voucher system can be implemented, I will make the following changes to our public schools IMMEDIATELY.

  • Replace widespread functional illiteracy and out-of-control student behavior with high achievement and behavioral accountability.
  • Work with counties to replace morally bankrupt and incompetent superintendents and school boards with America-first professionals
  • Replace the racist, distorted political indoctrination of students with curriculum like CRT, with unbiased, high-quality teaching that promotes a commitment to American values
  • Demand operational transparency and campus visitation availability to entire communities
  • Stop the public schools from collecting and sharing data about our children. Our students’ data has been breached, placed for sale on the dark web, and sold to the Chinese


Florida schools fund at the same amount and are rated 3rd in the nation.

7 other states fund their schools lower than NV and perform much higher


EVERY candidate says that Teachers’ Unions are the biggest problem…and they are. But NO other candidate UNDERSTANDS the Teachers’ Union problem sufficiently to offer a solution.


The answer is SIMPLE, and it lies COMPLETELY in the hands of Nevada’s 20,000 teachers.

If NV’s teachers want the public’s support in taking back our schools, they have to either:

  • Demand that their Union Leaders support the TEACHERS with real school reform, OR…
  • The teachers have to collectively quit/decertify their union, go to the public with the behind-the-scenes truth, and the public will fight WITH the teachers for real change

BUT IF the teachers will neither demand Union changes, NOR quit/decertify their Union, then the teachers are part of the problem and need to be dealt with as such.

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