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Jobs And The Economy

As a fiscally conservative businessman, I will support no new taxes and repeal or remove any taxes that were recently pushed through

On day one all mandates need to be removed to get our economy going again. All masks and vaccine mandates will end. I will work to sunset job-killing taxes that should have ended years ago and reverse the Commerce Tax, it’s been a disaster for Nevada businesses.

No more having Big Government picking business winners and losers through unjust policy mandates.

I will equally support unionized labor and the workers’ rights to not have to fund political candidates and causes they don’t support.

Improving and maintaining Nevada’s economy and employment opportunities is INSEPARABLE from improving our public schools. Talking about one issue without the other reveals a failure to see their inter-connectedness and a lack of long-range vision.

To attract and retain top-quality employers, Nevada must have an educated, top-quality workforce that has a strong work ethic and demonstrates professional behavior. Our 50th ranked public school system is not producing the high-quality future workers that our employers will require.

If this situation is not corrected immediately, it will limit Nevada’s economic growth and our ability to compete with other states.

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