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Press Statement: Joey Gilbert Welcomes Michele Fiore’s Run For State Treasurer

Press Statement: Joey Gilbert Welcomes Michele Fiore’s Run For State Treasurer

RENO, Nev. – March 17, 2022 – This afternoon, Joey Gilbert, front-running Republican candidate for governor, issued the following statement about Michele Fiore deciding to file for state-wide office as Nevada’s next State Treasurer.

“As Nevada’s next Governor, I look forward to working with Michele Fiore as State Treasurer. Unfortunately, Nevada has been headed down a fiscal path of waste and incompetence since the current Governor took office. Michele will immediately start to bring state spending under control by utilizing a trifecta of financial experience: overseeing State budgets as an Assemblymember, monitoring expenditures of the 26th largest city in the nation as a Las Vegas Council member, and practicing personal accountability as a lifelong entrepreneur.

Based on the polling numbers and grassroots support my campaign has built in the rural counties, I will be elected Nevada’s next Governor. I look forward to working with Michele as part of the team I’ll build to take back our state’s schools, economy, public safety, election integrity, and future.

To everyone who worked hard and supported Michele’s exploration to run as Governor, I welcome you to get in the fight with Team Gilbert and join us in making Nevada a prosperous and safe home for all its residents.”


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