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Joey Gilbert Officially Files as a Republican In 2022 Nevada Gubernatorial Race

“Now it’s official. I’m running to win Nevada back for We The People.”

RENO, Nev. – March 14, 2022 – Joey Gilbert, on Friday, March 11, 2022, officially filed as a Republican for the 2022 primaries & gubernatorial race.

“Now it’s official. I’m running to win Nevada back for We The People,” said Joey Gilbert, a Republican gubernatorial candidate. “I’ve been fighting the last 2 years, and now I’m taking the gloves off. It’s go time; there’s no more playing around. If my opponents think I was intense before, they have no clue what’s about to happen.”

Joey Gilbert has raised more than half a million dollars for his campaign by the filing. He has been endorsed by celebrities, leaders, and icons like Ted Nugent, Aaron Lewis, Clay Clark, Dr. Mark Sherwood, Wendy Rogers, Jason Preston, Doug Billings, Mike Miller, Pastor Greg Locke, Bobby Piton, Senator Sonny Borrelli from Arizona, General Michael Flynn, Dr. Simone Gold, Captain Seth Keshel, Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer, and the Lexit Nevada President—Frankie Rodriguez. Mr. Gilbert’s celebrity endorsements are matched by a fervent grassroots base of thousands of supporters.

“This race is one of the most important in Nevada and our country’s history,” said Mr. Gilbert. “I’m fighting to get rid of the corruption, to bring back the rights and freedoms our Constitution guarantees. I’m fighting to fix our elections, schools, economy, make our neighborhoods safe, and remove all governmental mandates and the power for a Governor to execute dictatorial power without the approval of Nevada’s Senate and Legislature.”

About Joey Gilbert: Known as “The People’s Champ”, Joey has built a prestigious career as an attorney, former world-ranked middleweight boxing champion, Nevada Golden Gloves boxing champion, three-time National Collegiate boxing champion, four-time all-American, and a US Air Force Veteran.

Since March 2020, Gilbert has filed lawsuits against Nevada’s politically motivated & corrupt Governor to open churches, and won, sued to make early treatment medication accessible to all Nevadans, filed a lawsuit, and is currently in federal court in Las Vegas against the mask mandate on Nevada’s school children, and most recently filed a lawsuit, and is back in court challenging the mandatory vaccination of university students — especially those who have recovered from Covid-19. “I am not slowing down; I will remain in the fight for bodily integrity and our God-given constitutional rights.”

Joey is also Chairman of the Board and the Director of Strategy for America’s Frontline Doctors, where they have been involved with filing more than a dozen lawsuits across this nation on behalf of our military, healthcare workers, teachers, and students with regards to the unconstitutional mandatory vaccination orders of our corrupt government. Joey has been leading a crusade for the people — FOR THEIR FREEDOM OF CHOICE & to leave personal medical decisions up to “WE THE PEOPLE” and PARENTS.

For more information about Joey Gilbert and his Nevada gubernatorial campaign, visit https://www.gilbertforgovernor.com/.

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