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Joey Gilbert delivers commencement address to Clark County Homeschool Graduates—sends his important message to ALL Nevada students

Joey Gilbert delivers commencement address to Clark County Homeschool Graduates—sends his important message to ALL Nevada students
“Your Decisions Will Master You Whichever Direction They Take”
LAS VEGAS, NV – Front-runner GOP Governor candidate Joey Gilbert sent a powerful message to Clark County homeschool graduates and ALL Nevada students on June 4, 2022.

Presenting the commencement address for the Homeschool Graduation Ceremony at the Windmill Library auditorium in Las Vegas, Gilbert reminded graduates, “Your decisions will master you whichever direction they take.”

The source of Gilbert’s quote was historical decision-maker Mary Baker Eddy, named “One of the 100 Most Significant Americans of All Time” by the Smithsonian.

Gilbert’s powerful and inspiring message to Nevada’s young future leaders touched on several facets of decision-making:
• The wide variety of impactful decisions that await all of the new graduates
• Historical examples of spontaneous decisions that changed the world
• Relatable and gripping personal examples of decision-making that transformed Gilbert’s life

Gilbert concluded his remarks by offering a life-altering decision-making template that anyone can immediately begin implementing in their own lives.

The following links offer the video of Gilbert’s commencement speech, as well as the full text of his remarks.

Full Video: https://rumble.com/v17t0ys-joey-gilbert-your-decisions-will-master-you-whichever-direction-they-take.html

Full Speech & Remarks: https://dashboard.joeygilbert.dev/uploads/Joey_Gilbert_Commencement_Speech_1_86259a4c1b.pdf

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