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Electronic Voting Machines Lose 5 – 0 In Vote By Nye County Commissioners

“I applaud the brave and intelligent members of the Nye County Commission for standing up to Dominion and the Deep State with their resounding 5 – 0 vote for integrity in our elections.” Joey Gilbert, Esq.

RENO, Nevada – March 18, 2022 – On Tuesday, March 15, 2022, after a presentation by Jim Marchant and his cybersecurity team on the “disposal” of Electronic Voting Machines, Nye County commissioners voted 5 in favor, 0 opposed, to have their county clerk “consider the removal” of electronic voting machines and administer this year’s primary and general elections using hand-counted paper ballots.

In an official statement, Joey Gilbert said, “Jim Marchant and the experts he presented brought clear evidence to prove that our voting systems are at immediate risk of hacking. The experts are saying point-blank: vendors like Dominion ‘don’t secure their software’ and that they were ‘horrified’ by how weak their security is. Our elected officials and investigative journalists must take this issue seriously now. The fact that the entire Nye County Commission agreed to consider removing these fraudulent machines is great progress. I’ve been fighting alongside patriots like Jim Marchant and Robert Beadles for the last two years in Washoe, Lander, Lyon, Elko Counties, and elsewhere to get County Commissioners to take action. Our Republic is under threat from domestic enemies and we must act now to get these fraud boxes out of our government for good!”

Mark Cook, a Cybersecurity expert testified during the board meeting about the voting machines, “They’re giving people a huge false sense of security… I got into the backend of the database and was able to flip votes within one minute… These systems…are absolutely not secure…Not only did they leave part of it open…their installer opens the firewall.”

Tuesday’s agenda item said the proposal was “…to ensure accuracy and transparency of the democratic voting process.” While not part of the proposal, the County Clerk said she must continue to be able to administer federally required provisions for voters with disabilities.

“I applaud the brave and intelligent members of the Nye County Commission for standing up to Dominion and the Deep State with their resounding 5 – 0 vote for integrity in our elections,” said Joey Gilbert, Esq. Upon returning from a Reawaken America tour event in Oklahoma last March, I brought my concerns and ideas using the county officers and elected commissioners, managers, etc. to start an acting strategy to remove these machines and replace them with paper ballots with hand counting —and it’s been a high priority and an ongoing effort since.”

Joey Gilbert has been working behind the scenes across Nevada with many people who are working to ensure legal voters aren’t disenfranchised by what some claim as massive voter fraud shown by various counties’ own data. Jim Marchant and his team will be working with Nye County commissioners to help see how they might be able to implement an in-person, hand-count paper ballot election for the upcoming primary and general elections, but nothing has been decided as of yet.

“Every journey starts with one small step,” said lawyer and election integrity advocate, Lin Wood. “Congratulations to Nye County for taking that first step by ridding itself of computer voting cheat machines.”

Arizona Rep. Mark Finchem posted an official response on his telegram saying, “Boom Nye County Commission meeting where the entire commission 5-0 voted to get rid of the Dominion voting machines and conduct the primary and the general election with paper ballots with anti-counterfeit measures and hand counted on a Precinct level.”

“I’m calling on all journalists and citizens who love this country to come together and be objective about this. Just take an honest look and report the truth,” said Joey Gilbert. “If we willingly ignore these crimes, to me, you’re an accessory to the treason that top experts and even Vice President Kamala Harris have detailed.”

Joey Gilbert plans on attending the Washoe County committee meeting this coming Tuesday, March 22, 2022. Over the last several meetings, Robert Beadles, along with numerous community members, have voiced public comments concerning data discrepancies Beadles and his team unearthed in the voting records… concerns about election integrity… why the county is outsourcing poll worker positions when there seem to be plenty of volunteers locally… the upcoming primary elections… and what the county commissioners plan to do to address the issues presented.

About Joey Gilbert: Known as “The People’s Champ,” Joey has built a prestigious career as an attorney, former world-ranked middleweight boxing champion, Nevada Golden Gloves boxing champion, three-time National Collegiate boxing champion, four-time all-American, and a US Air Force Veteran.

Since March 2020, Gilbert has filed lawsuits against Nevada’s politically motivated & corrupt Governor to open churches, and won, sued to make early treatment medication accessible to all Nevadans, filed a lawsuit, and is currently in federal court in Las Vegas against the mask mandate on Nevada’s school children, and most recently filed a lawsuit, and is back in court challenging the mandatory vaccination of university students — especially those who have recovered from Covid-19. “I am not slowing down; I will remain in the fight for bodily integrity and our God-given constitutional rights.”

Joey is also Chairman of the Board and the Director of Strategy for America’s Frontline Doctors, where they have been involved with filing more than a dozen lawsuits across this nation on behalf of our military, healthcare workers, teachers, and students with regards to the unconstitutional mandatory vaccination orders of our corrupt government. Joey has been leading a crusade for the people — FOR THEIR FREEDOM OF CHOICE & to leave personal medical decisions up to “WE THE PEOPLE” and PARENTS.

For more information about Joey Gilbert and his Nevada gubernatorial campaign, visit https://www.gilbertforgovernor.com/.

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