Mike Miller supports a man of God RENO, Nev. – January 6, 2022 – Mike Miller, the founder of Warriors for Ranchers, has announced his endorsement of Joey Gilbert for governor of Nevada. Miller is a veteran who returned to his native Texas after retiring from the Air Force and his service in the Middle East. The veteran said he founded Warriors for Ranchers after illegal immigrants threatened his family, broke into his cabin with his family inside, and tried hijacking his vehicle while he was sitting in it. Miller added more detail in an interview with Brian Senior about the illegal aliens who are overrunning his ranch, which he described as the last one on the river before a border patrol checkpoint. He talks more about the Honduran alien he caught trying to break into his family’s cabin who wanted Miller to charge his cell while waiting for the Border Patrol. The gritty Texan has spoken on issues concerning illegal aliens at stops along Clay Clark’s Reawaken America Tour, which is where he became familiar with Gilbert. The veteran related how Gilbert is concerned about what’s happening with Miller, in Texas and even more so at what’s happening in Nevada. Miller said Gilbert told him about seeing buses filled with illegal aliens moving through Clark County, Nevada, and wants to remind Nevada citizens it is their taxpayer dollars that are funding the mass midnight movement of migrants. “I’m here to publicly endorse Joey Gilbert, who is running for governor of Nevada,” Miller said, adding, “there’s no better man for the job.” The rancher described Gilbert as someone who has been a fighter his whole life and he knows for a fact Gilbert will continue fighting for Nevada. “We, the people of America, have got to vote the right people in and the wrong people out, because – if we continue to put RINOs in the office, or Democrats in the office – we’re going to continue to get the same result,” Miller insisted. “That’s insanity!” “You need to put a man of God in the office, and that man is Joey Gilbert,” he added, “and he has my endorsement.” You Can View Mike Miller’s Gilbert Endorsement Video Here. For more information about Joey Gilbert and his Nevada gubernatorial campaign, visit https://www.gilbertforgovernor.com/.
Warriors for Ranchers Founder Endorses Joey Gilbert for Nevada Governor