RENO, Nev. – January 11, 2022 – The first Republican candidate debate for Nevada Governor was held on January 6th, 2022 in Reno Nevada, and Joey Gilbert won the top spot with 27% of the vote in a group of eight candidates from a crowd of 468 Republican voters. Gilbert’s victory could be a sign that the days of politics as usual, might be over in Nevada, as voters are tired of unkept promises and the lack of actual conservation of American principles by Republican party regulars. Voters have seen the results of having a fighter who can’t be tamed in Donald Trump, and want to bring that energy to the silver state. As Covid restrictions from the authoritarian Democrat regime crippled Nevada, many sat by just waiting until the next election opportunity, but voters have seen Gilbert’s tireless efforts bringing lawsuits and organizing efforts to fight the Covid regime and bring sanity back to the silver state. Those efforts seem to be appreciated by the Republican electorate who are tired of having elected officials who always seem to be on the defensive and never fight to gain ground against the Democrat’s move toward crippling taxes and tyrannical mandates and lockdowns. Gilbert will be holding events throughout the state in the coming months leading up to the Republican primary. You Can View a summary of the poll taken at the Great Republican Debate Series at the Atlantis Casino Here. For more information about Joey Gilbert and his Nevada gubernatorial campaign, visit
Joey Gilbert Wins Debate Poll At First Great Republican Debate