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Joey Gilbert Endorsed for Nevada Governor By Pastor Running for Congress

Pastor Leon Benjamin says, “Get off the couch and participate.” RENO, Nev. – December 10, 2021 – Leon Benjamin is an articulate advocate for Nevada gubernatorial candidate Joey Gilbert. Benjamin should be a good public speaker, considering he began preaching the gospel in 1993 and became a pastor in 2004. He is the senior pastor and bishop of New Life Harvest Church in Richmond, Virginia. The Gulf War veteran is also chairman of the Republican Party of Richmond City and founded the Coalition of Leaders United. The father of three is also running for a Virginia Congressional seat in next year’s midterm elections and has appeared on Fox News and other national TV and radio talk shows. Pastor Benjamin met Gilbert when they were part of Clay Clark’s Reopen America Tour. “He’s a fireball, like me,” Benjamin said. “He’s a no-nonsense guy who tells it like it is.” The Virginia clergyman said Gilbert is not intimidated by their opponents and does not believe he will turn into a politically correct politician. “I think he’s going to go in just like Daniel and pray like he wants to pray, say like he wants to say and interpret the actions and movements of what’s going on in the inner workings of our government,” said Benjamin. The energetic Virginia pastor implores Nevadans to show up for Gilbert and participate in his campaign. Pastor Benjamin said Nevada needs someone like Gilbert who will go up to the Capitol and go to bat for its citizens. He repeated calls to help get Gilbert’s name spread across the state and talk about values, like how much he loves Nevada and this nation. “You can’t afford now to have false representation in the state of Nevada,” advised Pastor Benjamin. “Sign up, donate, and don’t be frustrated. Get off the couch and participate. God bless you.”

About Joey Gilbert: Known as “The People’s Champ”, Joey has built a prestigious career as an attorney, former world-ranked middleweight boxing champion, Nevada Golden Gloves boxing champion, three-time National Collegiate boxing champion, four-time all-American, and a US Air Force Veteran. Since March 2020, Gilbert has filed lawsuits against Nevada’s politically motivated & corrupt Governor to open churches, and won, sued to make early treatment medication accessible to all Nevadans, filed a lawsuit, and is currently in federal court in Las Vegas against the mask mandate on Nevada’s school children, and most recently filed a lawsuit, and is back in court challenging the mandatory vaccination of university students —especially those who have recovered from Covid-19. “I am not slowing down; I will remain in the fight for bodily integrity and our God-given constitutional rights”. Joey is also the Director of Strategy for Americas Frontline Doctors, where they have been involved with filing more than a dozen lawsuits across this nation on behalf of our military, healthcare workers teachers, and students with regards to the unconstitutional mandatory vaccination orders of our corrupt government. Joey has been leading a crusade for the people —FOR THEIR FREEDOM OF CHOICE & to leave personal medical decisions up to “WE THE PEOPLE” & PARENTS. For more information about Joey Gilbert and his Nevada gubernatorial campaign, visit https://www.gilbertforgovernor.com/. To view the video of Pastor Leon Benjamin, visit https://youtu.be/AZ56FmxCbWM. 

Media Contact
Contact: William Lince
Phone: (775)328-7012
Email: PR@GilbertForGovernor.com

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