Have You Been Affected By COVID-19?

Protecting Nevada from Health “Emergencies”

Protecting Nevada from Health “Emergencies”

NEVER AGAIN will we allow our individual liberties to be taken away by leaders who exploit the word “science” as a justification for making emergency declarations that devastate our economy and promote their personal or political agendas. NEVER AGAIN will...
Jobs And The Economy

Jobs And The Economy

On day one all mandates need to be removed to get our economy going again. All masks and vaccine mandates will end. I will work to sunset job-killing taxes that should have ended years ago and reverse the Commerce Tax, it’s been a disaster for Nevada businesses. No...
Fix All Nevada Public Schools

Fix All Nevada Public Schools

Read my 8-Point Plan on Education HERE Improving Nevada’s schools are the key to successfully addressing every other challenge facing our state. Creating better schools requires: An in-depth understanding of our dysfunctional school situation. The moral courage to...
Election Integrity

Election Integrity

Election experts are virtually unanimous in their conviction that these machines have NEVER been fully reliable and harbor flaws that can be exploited. There is NO justification for continuing to use them. Furthermore, the machine source code holds critical...
Funding the Police and Reducing Crime

Funding the Police and Reducing Crime

‍Supporting our police officers is the ONLY way to ensure low-crime rates in Nevada communities. I will ensure we have fair and tough police to protect our Law and Order. Three of Nevada’s Four largest cities, have a national crime grade of “F.” I...
Second Amendment

Second Amendment

Samuel Adams said it best, “The Constitution shall NEVER be construed to prevent…peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.” As a lawyer, I know for a fact that more restrictive gun laws do NOT result in less crime. They just make it harder for good...